AuthorB.P. Rising - Soldier of Truth
When it comes to day trading and investing success, there is no question that the battle to win this game starts and ends in your own mind. The Law of Attraction is an important force of nature to understand and it is very real. Thoughts are energy and whatever you are putting into the world is going to come back to you. Whatever dominates your thought process tends to find you. Now this of course is not to say that whatever you conjure up is just going to appear. But, your thoughts effect your decision making and actions. Becoming a great trader takes a lot of hard work, practice, knowledge, and skill. However, whether you choose to think positively or negatively, the results will be a direct product of your outlook. If you are consistently hanging around negative friends or family, it will train your mind to be negative as well. It is of max importance that you pay attention to the regular thoughts that dominate your thinking and keep them in-check every day. The importance of positive thinking of course does not just apply to trading and investing, but to life in general. Whether it be day trading or investing, your biggest enemy is not the market maker, other traders, algos, hedge funds, your broker, or high frequency traders working against you (although they can be). The biggest enemy is staring back when you look in the mirror. Your lack of patience and resilience, your fear, and your self doubt, are the true adversary. The mind really is a battlefield and the enemy (self-doubt) is out to break you. Wall Street and the media are out to confuse you, scare you, cause you to be flustered, so you give up your money. Trading is a zero-sum game and therefore for Wall Street to win (generally speaking), you have to lose. Peter Lynch said..."The real key to making money in stocks is to not get scared out them." He was right on point. The majority of the time you will lose on trades is due to the fear of seeing red on your screen. Every short trader we have run across has had times where they bet against a stock and as it pushed against them, fear took over and they exited for a loss, just to watch the stock drop remainder of the day. Every long trader has had a situation where a stock was going against them, they became afraid and exited, just to have the stock bounce back. Recent activity in Tesla stock is a great example. The stock dropped to $350 (from $900) and scared everyone out, just to rebound to $800 again. Warren Buffett said..."Wall Street makes money on activity, you make money on inactivity." No words could be more truthful when it comes to investing and being able to stay patient in uncertain times, or when you have an unrealized loss, comes back to your mindset and thinking. We always pay very close attention to the words that come out of people mouths as they can give you a deep insight into their general mindset (negative or positive). You may not even realize that you are being negative at times if it is all you surround yourself with. A few great books we highly recommend for improving your mindset is 'The Power of Positive Thinking' by Norman Vincent Peale and 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill. Don't just read these books, but study them and take notes. Put into practice what is discussed and ask friends to help by letting you know how you are changing or progressing. Negative thinking can also turn people off from wanting to be around you. It could be friends, coworkers, a significant other, or even your wife/husband. Sometimes people get so caught up in the negativity, they mistakenly think of it as 'reality.' But, reality is actually just your specific perception and everyone's tends to be a little different. One thing is for certain, this type of negative thinking can absolutely destroy your trading and investing success...the game is so much about emotion and psychology and this is all rooted in your mindset and thought process. If you are constantly feeling negative when trading, it will greatly effect your decisions. If your general state is emotional, negative, and fearful...your trading results are going to be directly impacted and it most likely is not going to be for the better. Almost 100% of people who are constantly in a negative state are going to fail because of their thinking alone. Chances are they are feeding themselves lies and we must recognize when this is happening. Telling yourself you can't succeed or that you are not good enough is simply not true. You can succeed and you WILL! It is very important to keep in mind that Wall Street (via the media) wants to cause fear and uncertainty for traders and the investing public. They want to create confusion and simply cannot take your money, if you do not become beholden to your emotions. This is something that can certainly be improved with the time and experience of trading. And of course certain market conditions such as high volatility and uncertain times can increase the fear. Having a highly over-leveraged position is a great way to upset the brain into a bad decision. Some humans are of course going to be naturally more emotional than others (you know who you are), and improvement will take time and effort. Without question, majority of times a trader panics due to fear and exits a position, it is going to end up being a mistake. Work hard on assessing your own personal strength and weaknesses and improve where needed. Many aspects of life are out of your control and are a lot about chance. But, the best thing about mindset is that it can actually be controlled. It just requires great awareness, attention, and repetition. Nothing good comes from negative thinking, so you might as well force out the fear and choose to think positively. Focus on the emotion of FAITH in yourself as it helps root-out fear. There is no question self-doubt is an account destroyer and strong conviction will have an extreme impact on your trading or investing success! The Federal Reserve central bank is going absolutely hog wild lately. Its at the point now where their actions are so blatant and obvious that one can only assume it is being done with purposeful intent. With the recent repo operation liquidity injections (billions a day before the market opens) and Q4 Quantitative Easing near the highs, it appears the market is being bailed out to protect the elite interests. As they well know, without interference, the market would sell off immediately. We saw this last year when the Fed started to tighten. The Fed is becoming more and more involved in our market and they are now taking unprecedented measures. These actions are helping to secure the wealth of the top 20% that own stocks, but are doing absolutely nothing for the other 80%. In fact, it is just putting them at greater risk. Can you imagine what else could be done with the multi billions of dollars being stuffed into the market daily? Every time the Fed prints money our purchasing power is being decreased, more debt is being created, our hard work is becoming worth less, and dangerous bubbles are growing larger. The constant low interest rates and increased liquidity is driving people and companies to speculate with greater and greater risk. More corporations are buying back their stock (a practice that was once illegal). During the debates, President Trump even warned of the consequences and yet now he is jumping on board the same ship that is heading toward the Iceberg. A possible scenario is that the Fed may be purposely blowing this bubble as fast as possible in order to crush us and then use the crisis to turn the tides of the anti-globalism movement that has begun under Trump. Lets be clear, central banks like the Federal Reserve want to see Globalization as it is great for power hungry bankers who want more control. When you control the money supply of a country, what is the next step toward further power? The answer is simple - first by controlling world regions and then on to global control. Make no mistake that the international bankers goal is Globalization. Donald Trump is a big threat to this notion. He is closing borders and raising tariffs and therefore the Fed controllers know they must nip this in the bud quickly. In the 1920's a similar scenario took place. Woodrow Wilson had just made the mistake of allowing the central banks snakes in the door with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. He was quoted as saying "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men." He helped implement the "League of Nations," a first attempt toward building a global alliance (now called the United Nations). Americans had become tired of the globalist agenda and elected Warren G. Harding - who came into office and immediately began to lower taxes and raise tariffs. The Fed responded by doing exactly what they are doing now - lowering rates and quantitative easing in order to blow an asset bubble that would result in the epic crash of 1929. The goal was likely to force Americans to accept the globalist movement again by taking advantage of this inflicted crisis. Jerome Powell (current Fed Chairman) is just a figurehead and has his masters. He is only implementing what the 'shadow government' (powers that operate quietly behind the scenes) are asking him to do. The puppet master could very likely be the Council on Foreign Relations (the Kingmakers) and the elite International Bankers. Founded in 1921 and located in Park Avenue NY, they have been dominating domestic and foreign policy in the U.S. for 100 hundred years. Its even been called "a school for statesman." The people really need to become aware of the power and agendas of these bankers and know and understand who these people are. Once an understanding is realized, the actions of the central banks become much more clear. Rockefeller and Morgan are just a few big name examples in which most have actually heard. The CFR is made up of elites from banks, media, education, politics, business, science, journalism, and much more. These elite power brokers come from both political parties. It is highly likely that this group determines the Presidential candidate options from which we have to choose (best of the evils). One strategy of International bankers is to gain control of nations by forcing them into massive debt. As the saying goes, "the borrower is servant to the lender." Slow and stealth like moves that move us all toward a global government and currency are regularly and quietly taking place. Just imagine the consequences if these types of power hungry elites had global control. Sadly, not a day goes by where they are not working on steadily furthering this agenda. In our high schools and colleges, globalization is regular forced learning. This is basically brainwashing. By dominating our educational system, these powers can exert tremendous power via mass communication and controlled education. The human mind is only as good as the information fed into it! All an intelligent individual can conclude from the actions of the Fed is that they purposely want to blow the biggest asset bubble in history, knowing that their actions are going to crush middle America at some point. The insiders on Wall Street and in Washington will know ahead of time and they will unload the big money on the unknowing retail traders and investors as usual. As the wealth gets more and more concentrated at the top, who will bail it all out once we hit the iceberg? The American taxpayer. Moreover, the debt created from the massive money printing will also be handed down to Americans. Basically, what is happening here is akin to the Federal Reserve laundering printed money to the elite top 20% via the stock market. People wonder why the middle class is disappearing and wealth is getting more concentrated at the top of the food chain. Well, the Federal Reserve moves are a large part of the reason. Its time for Americans to wake up and get informed about what is happening. This non sense will not stop until enough noise is made to force Congress to pay attention and act! Honestly, most in Congress don't even know what the hell is happening. This is some complicated stuff. There may be a few exceptions however. Ron Paul is one example of someone who speaks out regularly and because of it, the guy is cleverly and intentionally branded as 'crazy.' The rest either have no clue or do understand, but keep their mouth shut. Too much money is being donated to fund their campaigns. It is understandable that learning about the Federal Reserve and central banking seems like a very boring endeavor, but this is effecting every single one of us in a major way and most don't even have the slightest clue. They are too busy distracted by video games, sports, and whether or not Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston are getting back together. When these actions are going to inevitably effect our future and the future of our children, one must start to pay attention! Please understand that all of this ridiculousness can only end one way - a global stock market crash of epic proportions that will destroy investors wealth and cause a major recession or depression. There is no way to know exactly when it will happen, but it is on the horizon. The iceberg is getting closer. We don't know exactly what the 'Iceberg' trigger will be - election shock, Iran attacks, flash crash, cyber attack, slowing growth, the Fed tightening and raising rates, or something else out of nowhere. But, we do know it is inevitable. Start taking the steps now to prepare for such a situation. We can promise you that the smart money is certainly doing so. Does it make sense to wait until we hit the iceberg to make the necessary moves or is it better to take action before the strike? Everyone should know the answer. At minimum, the Fed needs to be held accountable for their actions and start giving us honest answers and transparency. The people have had and enough and are slowly becoming more aware, but we must speak out and share this information with as many as possible. To get the proper answers, we must first become aware and start asking the right questions! *If you enjoy our content and would like to see more, please donate to help us grow. Your support is greatly appreciated! |
November 2023